Overcoming Your Greatest Weakness!

August 8, 2008


What Is The Greatest Weakness of Man?

That is how the question was posed to the character, James Farmer, Jr. (Denzel Whitaker), in the movie “The Great Debaters“, by his father, James Farmer, Sr. (Forest Whitaker). Junior’s father was a pastor and was preparing a sermon when Junior walked in the door and had that question thrown at him.

So, how would you answer the question, “What is the greatest weakness of man?”

In life I have heard many answers to this question. We have all heard or thought answers such as, “Greed!”, “Laziness!”, “Just not thinking!”, “Lust!”, “The Devil!”, “Simply a limited physical being!”, “Death!”, “Sex!”, “The opposite sex!”, “Money!”, “The love of money!”, and there are potentially a “million” more reasons.

Junior looked a his father in a thoughtful way, and in just a few short seconds came up with the CORRECT, Christ-centered answer, in an ironically doubtful way:

“Not believing? Doubt?”

“That’s it! Thank You Jr.!”, said his father, “Matt 14:31!”

This is a Christ-centered answer because it is the point Jesus Christ kept making about humanity’s fall, time and time again! Matthew 8:26, Mark 4:40, Luke 9:41, John 16:9 .

Now, don’t be too discouraged if you know that you lack faith in Jesus! You could ONLY lack faith in one area of life because you have STRONG faith in another! You definitely have faith in something, even if it is in the false belief that you have no faith! 🙂 You also need not be discouraged because EVERY human being, except Jesus, lacks sufficient faith apart from Jesus sharing his with us! Luke 18:8!

The Encouragingly Good News is that you do not have to worry about trying to work up the faith that satisfies God! It has been given to you graciously in Jesus, Who is having faith for you, and sharing that measure of faith with you even now! Romans 12:3, Gal 2:20, Hebrews 12:2!

Can you believe and embrace that?! Yes, you can! Because, in Jesus Christ, you have been given nothing less than every spiritual blessing! Ephesians 1:3-6! “Every spiritual blessing” certainly INCLUDES Jesus’ exact faith! Ephesians 2:4-10!

Here is a link to the most popular post on this site, which further emphasizes this MAJOR point! Be encouraged!

How to Deal With EXTREMELY Difficult People!

August 5, 2008

You have probably heard MANY answers and responses to this question and concern. I know I have! But it has only been since I have learned more about Who Jesus Christ is, and who humanity is in him, that I am finally starting to KNOW what the answer to this question REALLY is. And here it is:

JUDGE extremely difficult people!!!

(Or as Jesus said “Do not judge by appearances but judge with right Judgment!”)

I can almost hear the religious brakes squealing as I write! 🙂  It seems the ONLY parts of scripture about judgment that stick in our minds are the ones that say things like “judge not that you be not judged” (Matt 7:1). We almost totally neglect the other part that says, “for with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged!” OR, if we do include that section, and other sections of scripture on judgment, it is almost always totally negative and not reconciled with a proper view of Who Jesus is!

The point of this post is NOT to go into all the finer points of that passage of verses, other than to say that what Jesus is saying is absolutely true and has probably been experienced by most of us – in the negative! I’ll never forget the day my wife pointed out how she was sure that Jesus was REALLY saying something like, “If you judge people in a certain way, with certain rules, and then you inevitably break those rules yourself, people will judge you the same way you judged them! If you judge people in and with grace, then people will judge you in and with grace!” I wholeheartedly agreed with her!

In other words, if you proclaim the Gospel as “not breaking any of God’s holy laws”, and then you inevitably break one of them (make that almost all of them – repeatedly!!), then people you have proclaimed this Gospel to will judge you as a lawbreaker and condemn you. If, on the other hand, you proclaim the Gospel as “the Adoption of Humanity and Creation into the Life of the Triune God, in Jesus, regardless of our rule-breaking or rule-keeping”, people will judge you according to that. They may call you out, properly, as doing something you shouldn’t have done, but they will also still judge you as adopted, or according to the standard (gospel) you promoted! It’s sinful human nature!

BUT, knowing Who Jesus is in his Person helps us sort out the subject of judgment properly AND how to deal with difficult people.

Because Jesus is God, and God is our ultimate Judge, AND, Jesus, in our humanity with us, has judged our sin as conquered and overcome in His human life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension, humanity (you and I) have been judged in Jesus as cleansed of sin and adopted! The Judge has ascended with all of humanity to the right hand of God as the Second Adam, where we are seated with him and blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places!!

Whoa!! I NEVER get tired of hearing that! In fact, “judge me, judge me, judge me” according to that Truth in Jesus ALL THE TIME!! Please!! And, of course, because Jesus is permanently human for and with us, He DOES judge every one of us this way, ALL THE TIME!! And within that truth lies the ability to deal with extremely difficult people, and the ONLY hope for becoming extremely lovable and loving people!

Karl Barth, one of the great, if not greatest, theologians of the 20th Century put his answer to “How to Deal with Extremely Difficult People” in this kind of heavy, Christ-centered way:

“On the basis of the eternal will of God we have to think of every human being, even the oddest, most villainous or miserable, as one to whom Jesus Christ is Brother and God is Father; and we have to deal with him on this assumption. If the other person knows that already, then we have to strengthen him in that knowledge. If he does not know it yet, or no longer knows it, our business is to transmit this knowledge to him. On the basis of the knowledge of the humanity of God no other attitude to any kind of fellow man is possible. It is identical with the practical acknowledgement of his human rights and his human dignity. To deny it to him would be for us to renounce having Jesus Christ as Brother and God as Father.” The Humanity of God, p. 53. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982. (The Adopted Life)

In my more simple way of putting it, Karl Barth is saying that when we see Who Jesus is, and Embrace Him seriously for Who He really is, we take seriously that Jesus lives in everyone! This is to our advantage in EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY with a difficult person. We can KNOW, up front, that they are only so difficult, not all difficult! We can appeal to the Jesus that indwells them. If they know about this Jesus in them or have forgotten it, we can “ring their bell” and be a helpful reminder to them of who they REALLY are. This is one way you could call them out in the Gospel: “Why are you being so extremely difficult _____________ ? That’s not who you really are and we both know it! Jesus Christ lives in you!! BE that!!”

If they do not know who they are, then you are compelled to tell them who they are! We can KNOW IT WILL HAVE SOME GODLY EFFECT, because Jesus Christ DOES live in them! Call them out more like this: “_____________ , I know the real you, and you are NOT this EXTREMELY difficult person in Jesus Christ, Who lives in you!! Good Gravy! The sooner you begin embracing that fact, the sooner you will stop creating misery for yourself and others! Now change your mind and believe the Good News before I have to restrain you in love so you don’t hurt anyone else, including yourself, until you can see Jesus more clearly!!”

To not think about and deal with EXTREMELY difficult people in this way is to deny Jesus Christ as our Brother, and to deny God as our Father in the Holy Spirit, because there is no one Who is not in Jesus! Colossians 1:27! Yikes!

Help us Jesus!!! (He has and He will!)

Are You Struggling…

August 1, 2008


…with your Freedom in Christ and some of the challenges involved in EXPERIENCING IT AS JESUS DOES?

A friend and fellow-reader of this blog, Boyd Merriman, wrote and sent to me a modern day parable that illustrates some of the dynamics involved. It is also a great compliment to my last post on the historical analogy of the Emancipation Proclamation as it relates to the Gospel. I thought it was good and asked him if I could post it here and he said that I could. See what you think!

“Once upon a time, there was a man who was given the task of running the zoo and caring for its animals. He was called, The Zoo Keeper.

The Zoo Keeper walked the grounds of the zoo and observed the animals and their surroundings.  He was not pleased with what he saw.  He saw caged up animals that were not in their natural environments.  He heard their cries and gnashing of teeth, and sometimes he heard nothing at all as they lay sleeping their lives away.

One particular animal took his interest.  It was a bear that slept in one corner of his cage, and when he was hungry, he would get up slowly, then walk over to the opposite corner to eat the food that was given to him.  He would then walk back to his corner and lay down to go back to sleep.  He was unhappy and unhealthy.

So The Zoo Keeper decided to change things.  He told his servants of a huge project which would involve acquiring new land, expanding the environment and building natural landscapes for the animals that would be exactly like their natural habitat in the wild.

The elephants would live in an environment just like their homes in Africa, and the monkeys would swing from real trees, and the polar bears would enjoy large cold water tanks and rocks. The servants rejoiced in hearing the Good News, and began the work. When they accomplished the renovations, the Zoo
Keeper said, “It is good.”

They then took the cage with the bear in it and set it into his new environment along with the other bears. They opened his cage door and waited.  The bear sniffed the air, looked around, looked at the open door, then walked over to his food, ate it, and then went back to his corner and laid down to sleep.

So the Zoo Keeper said, “Take down the walls of the cage and carry them away from here.  The bear does not realize that the door is opened to him, that he is free and has a new environment in which to live.”  So they took down the walls of his old cage, carried them away leaving the bear sleeping.

When the bear awoke, he looked around and noticed something different.  But his hunger took over, he got up as usual and walked over to where his food was, ate his food and then went back to where his bed was, and laid down to sleep. Even though there were no walls to confine him, he did not move beyond the confines of his belief of where his walls once stood.

So the Keeper said, “Take his food away from him.  Give him better food, food that has strong smell that will attract a bear, and put it several feet away from his normal area, and let us wait.” So they took the food away and set out a feast that only a bear could truly appreciate, and they put it several feet away from his usual place, away from his usual confines.

Eventually the bear woke up, walked over to where his food once sat, and did not find it.  He sniffed the air, and smelled the strong food and flavors that would attract a bear, yet not immediately seeing it, he turned back to his bed and laid there and slept, but this time, hungry.

Those with ears let them hear.

Notice that though the bear is in his new kingdom, a member of that kingdom, yet he is exercising his freedom in a way that is allowing the walls of his mind and beliefs to hold him to his old environment. An environment that has already changed and no longer exists as it once did! All of this change happened while he was sleeping and right under his very nose!

He did not see nor care that the other bears are free.  All he knew was his old environment.  Was the bear destroyed or punished for his lack of understanding?  No, but he suffered needlessly because of the strong, negative force of his misperceptions, which brought on his crying and gnashing of teeth. But daily, the servants of the zoo came to patiently lead him away from his old confines until he eventually was able to enjoy his new environment.

It is written that those who live by the law will die by the law. The law, like the cage, has been fulfilled in Jesus and taken off of our shoulders to complete. But if the bear believes that he is still confined to a cage, he will be alive (and yet still somehow be dead!) within the boundaries of his paradoxical existence.

But the Zoo Keeper was compassionate and loved the bear.  Instead of letting the bear sleep his life away, he sent in his servants who continued to encourage the bear and show him what it was like to live in the freedom he was designed for.  He eventually found a new place to sleep and eat, but more importantly, he found enjoyment in his new environment along with others of his kind.

Then the Zoo Keeper said, “It is very good”.”

Not Just Barely Free! Abundantly Free!!

July 27, 2008


Here is a great example from history illustrating the dynamics going on in humanity’s connection with God in Christ!


In 1862 Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Signing this document meant that slavery was illegal in the United States and all slaves in the U.S. were to be set free, immediately. Everything was fine for most of the freed slaves, and many of them celebrated and started enjoying their freedom, even though that freedom in and of itself was a very difficult adjustment. There was one exception to the freed slaves though.


In Galveston, Texas, slaves did not get the word about their freedom until two and a half years after Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation!! That is when the United States Calvary finally arrived there to tell them that they were officially set free two and one half years before!!!



The celebration of Juneteenth (June 19th) in the African-American community commemorates the release of these slaves in Galveston in 1865. This historical event and celebration is similar to what has happened with humanity in the Light of God’s Good News.


2000 years ago, the Son of God became flesh for 40+ years (John 8:57) as God had originally planned. During that time, He lived in, and fixed up, our broken, lying humanity! Col 2:10-15! Because our sin ACTUALLY corrupted our flesh, Jesus had to undo our corruption and put corrupt flesh to death – in the flesh!! Literally with blood, sweat and tears! Luke 2:52, 22:39-44, 23:46, Heb 5:7-8!


This tells us that the Father doesn’t just sweep our REAL problems under the rug and pour blood on them and act like things are fixed when they really aren’t! He actually fixes them and undoes the REAL mess! Pouring spaghetti sauce on a bowlful of spaghetti does not unscramble the spaghetti! It still takes a fork to actually unscramble the spaghetti!!


If Jesus had not actually gotten inside of our corrupt flesh, He would not REALLY have fixed anything at all! Jesus couldn’t walk in our nature and skin without actually walking IN OUR NATURE AND SKIN. Heb 2:17-18! By becoming REAL flesh and blood, Jesus literally fulfilled God’s original intention of Adopting Man into Triune God, undoing our sin, and placing us into His Renewed Humanity.


This is not just theology, theory or a good idea! Triune God REALLY did get us into Himself, by getting Himself into us. Col 3:3-4!! Jesus undid our human darkness and wrong thinking, and defeated the Devil’s purposes by believing the Truth about God’s goodness while living, literally, in our sinful flesh. Rom 5:15-21!


Jesus’ mother, Mary, was REALLY a sinful human being, Luke 1:46-47, and Jesus REALLY was born into our sinful humanity through her! Luke 2:1-14! However, Jesus did not sin while living in it!! Heb 4:15-16!


Regarding our freedom in Christ, this is often very difficult to adjust to. Have you ever seen a dog that was tied up all of the time finally be set free? I have seen two reactions. They will literally go “hog wild” and run all around the neighborhood and get into everything. They do this because they were meant to run free and NOT be tied up and it takes them a little while to adjust to their freedom and calm down!


On the other hand, some dogs have been so bound up by a leash for so long, that when you set them free they just sit there as if they are still bound. They can’t perceive their freedom. They are “bound” to the same “leash” IN THEIR FREEDOM, even though there is no “leash!!”


In a way Jesus was like Abraham Lincoln. When Jesus set the sinful flesh free from our lies and misperceptions, we were all set free at the same time! Remember the analogy a couple of posts back about Jesus being the “cup” and all of creation being like “water” inside the “cup”?



Whatever happens to the Son happens to the Creation that exists ONLY inside of Him. Heb 1:1-3! As a result, there are many who now believe this Truth and live in the freedom of it. Col 1:1-6! These people are called the Church, Christians, or Believers, and even a few other names (not all good!)


Unfortunately, most of us still seem to be like the slaves in Galveston, Texas. We either haven’t heard the word about our freedom in Jesus, yet, or, we don’t really embrace it, therefore, we have no other choice but to continue experiencing bondage (even though we are all totally free to believe and embrace the Truth in Jesus! John 8:36!


Our Freedom in Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing the Son is sharing with us! If we believe something else, it is coming from another source opposite of God and is evil – Gal 5:6-8 – because the Father and the Spirit are in total agreement and unity with the Son!!


Here are some good questions about this true story in American history:


When were the slaves in Galveston, Texas freed? Were they freed when Abraham signed the Emancipation Proclamation, or were they free only after they got the word and believed it? The answer is not really “either/or!” In short, the answer is, “Yes!”


All the slaves in the U.S. were TRULY, objectively freed when Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, AND, they were freed, in their experience, when they got the word of their freedom and believed it to be the truth!!



This is exactly how you should understand the subjects of “faith” and “salvation” in the Bible! Rom 4! Everyone in the Whole World is already Saved and Adopted into the Life of God because of our connection with Jesus Christ! 1Tim 4:9-10, Titus 2:11, Rom 11:28-32!  But we can only experience this Adoption and Salvation as truth when we embrace it as truth!!



If we don’t believe we are saved, even though we really are saved, then we can’t and won’t experience it the way Jesus does! We are like the dog that is “bound” without a leash! We can only live in the pain, lies and misperceptions that bring on the condition called hell! Eph 4:17-24!


Believing the Truth of our Adoption is GOOD! Not Believing the Truth of our Adoption is BAD!



Ephesians 1:7 (The Message):


7 Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people – free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!”

A Few More Analogies About Our Connection to Christ!

July 23, 2008


1.) Have you ever seen a remote control car, boat or plane? A person leads the vehicle with a remote control and guides it wherever he/she wishes. It appears that the vehicle is driving itself and has no connection to the remote, but the vehicle is NOT driving itself and it DOES have a connection with the controller.

In fact, if there were no connection between the controller and the vehicle, there wouldn’t be any way for the vehicle to have guidance or power to go. The invisible connection between the remote control and the vehicle is by what are called radio waves. You cannot see these waves but they are there, nonetheless, AND, they ARE connected to the vehicle, giving it guidance!

It appears as if the remote and vehicle are “separated” from each other, doesn’t it? But the truth is that the remote and vehicle are absolutely connected by the radio waves. The connection is VERY REAL, even if that connection cannot be seen with the naked eye. John 4:24!

Creation’s connection with Jesus, by analogy, is kind of like the connection a remote control has with the vehicle. Jesus made us and sustains and guides us all! As the last post stated, all things live move and have their being in Him! We can’t even breathe without him! 1 Cor 8:6!

The “radio wave” connection is similar to the communion and connection we have with Jesus in the Holy Spirit EXCEPT that the Holy Spirit is a Person with a distinct personality. The Holy Spirit is not a thing or a radio wave, but the Third Person of the Trinity! 2 Cor 13:14, John 16:12-15! In history, the Holy Spirit has often been referred to as the “Go Between” Person of God. Rom 8:26-27! All created things are something like the vehicle, in that they have no power or ability to move apart from the Father, Son and the Spirit.

Obviously, this analogy falls a little short of a fully accurate picture because Triune God DOES NOT control every move we make, even though he is the basic source from which we make all movements. We are distinct and have a real freedom to participate in His Truth with understanding. And we have freedom to choose and make decisions just like Triune God. We are made in God’s image Gen 1:26!

However, just as the vehicle has no power of its own to move and get around, we, too, only “live, move, and have our being” in Jesus Christ, the Son of God! Acts 17:28!

Now, it’s one thing for the remote control to guide the car from a distance, but what if the controller could actually get inside the vehicle and start guiding it even more “up close and personal”? Wouldn’t that make the connection with the remote control and the vehicle even more “intimate”? That is something similar to what God the Son did.

Jesus came from a “distance”, per se, to get “up close and personal” and become what we are, FULLY! The Father’s plan was for the Son to get into human flesh and make the connection between God and creation even stronger than it already was!! Astoundingly, Jesus not only got in creation, “the vehicle”, but is still in creation in his divine flesh and always will be! Jesus will always sustain and guide all of Creation in His Divine/Human Body! Matt 28:18!

Think of how stupendous this is – with another analogy! J

2.) If YOU had created monkeys, and you wanted the monkeys to be able to relate with you forever, would you consider becoming a monkey in order to make that happen?! An even larger question is: If you did decide to join the monkeys as they were, would you REMAIN 100% monkey, FOREVER, so that the monkeys (who had sinned against you!) could share in who you are forever??

If you said that you would, I would NOT believe you!! Ha-Ha! I wouldn’t do it either! John 2:23-25! BUT God the Son did this exact kind of thing for us!!! He stooped to the level of a human being and remains a glorified human being for our sake! Phil 2:5-11!

3.) Another good example and analogy of our connection with Triune God in Jesus is our human body. We ARE connected to our toes but we are also “distant” and “distinct” from our toes at the same time! We are NOT our toes, and yet, our toes are fully connected to us, right?!! Right!

We can also influence our toes immediately, through the connection of nerves, at anytime, but we don’t directly control our toes 24 hours a day, do we? Don’t our toes sometimes move involuntarily, or “on their own?”

May these examples and analogies be yet one more proof for those of us who believe, that everything, and everyone, is caught up in the Life of the Father, Son and Spirit! Creation was made by the Triune God and His Fingerprints can be seen everywhere when we have eyes to see!

Looking For a Good, Simple, Gospel Analogy to Share?

July 21, 2008



Here is one you can place in your Good News arsenal for sharing the truth of Humanity’s Adoption into the Life of the Father, Son and Spirit, in Jesus Christ with others! It is a good physical picture and analogy of what we should understand about the Triune God.



Let’s start with the scripture in Acts 17:28, which says,


For “In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, “For we too are his offspring.’




If God the Son, in our analogy, was portrayed as a “cup”, then creation would be the “water” inside the “cup” because creation lives and moves and has its being IN Jesus Christ! Whatever happens to the “cup” necessarily happens to the “water” inside the “cup!” So if the cup happened to be placed over a hot fire, not only would the cup get hot but so would whatever is in the cup, right?



That is a good physical picture of how our connection with God actually works at some level! Jesus created us in Himself and sustains us in Himself. When Jesus, the “cup”, became human and lived among us, that is when the “water” in the “cup” (all of creation) was impacted by the Son’s Incarnation Life and became highly influenced by His Life!



When Jesus, the “cup”, went into the grave, the “water” inside the cup went into the grave with it. When the “cup” came out of the grave, everything inside the “cup” came out of the grave, too! So, naturally, when Jesus, the “cup”, went back and ascended to the Father and the Spirit, the “water” inside the cup (all of creation and humanity) ascended to the Father and the Spirit IN Him!



Whatever happens to the Cup MUST happen to the water inside the cup!! It is unavoidable! That makes sense, doesn’t it? That is what the Apostle Paul understood so well and explained in the scriptures about Jesus! Whatever happened to Jesus, mysteriously but ACTUALLY happened to everything that lives, moves and has its being IN him! 2 Cor 5:13-21, Eph 1, 2, Col 1, 2!!



One important thing should be pointed out about this analogy, though. Creation and humanity is NOT so swallowed up in everyone else that we have no distinction! That would be New Age philosophy! In fact, water is REALLY made up of distinct atoms and other particles that are bonded together by some kind of mysterious “glue” (the Communion of the Holy Spirit!)



We, too, are our own distinct selves connected to the rest of creation in Jesus! You will always be distinctly you, AND, you will always be in union with the Father, Son and Spirit. That is how God is, and that is how we are!! Triune God does not create things in opposition to Who He is as Father, Son and Spirit! Gen 1:31, Matt 19:17, James 1:17!



This is a wonderful and exciting Truth, isn’t it?! In fact, it is the greatest truth there is!! It is the Truth of all Truth’s! God the Trinity loves us so much that He decided He would become what we are, and remain what we are, so that we can live forever in His relationship of Love and Unity!



It can actually be said that God loves us more than God loves Himself!! This must be true because God not only became a human being; God the Son still remains a human being in Jesus, on our behalf!



There is a good chance that you have probably never really thought deeply about this but there are many bible scriptures that speak of Jesus STILL being a man – permanently! 1 Timothy 2:5, Luke 24:38-39, Acts 1:11, Col 2:9! Remember – whenever the bible speaks of Jesus, it is speaking of the Son of God AS FULLY GOD AND FULLY MAN!!

Now you know why! Jesus remains forever human so that you can remain forever human in His humanity, and be influenced by His Good Human Nature forever!! The Gospel REALLY is Good News!

YOU and I are GOOD with Jesus’ Goodness!

July 18, 2008


How is that for an encouraging and TRUE compliment toward you in Jesus Christ?!

I can imagine that there are some few of us who believe that a statement like that is true of us because we have prayed, gone to church, been baptized, do good works and share in other religious things. However, the bible is clear, no one is good except ONE, the Father, Son and Spirit! Psalm 14:3, Romans 3:12, Mark 10:18!

I can imagine a larger set of you struggling to believe a compliment like this because, in all honesty, you can pile up the evidence (beginning with something you have done or thought in the last hour!), that PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are NOT good with Jesus’ goodness! For you, I have nothing less than the stunningly beautiful words of the Gospel from the Apostle Paul in Colossians 1:

“27 God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you [emphasis mine]; therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of our Message.”

So, we are all in somewhat of a dilemma, aren’t we? On the one hand, to be embarrassingly honest, no matter how righteous we claim to be, there are bad things we think and do that we want no one else to see or know about!! Good Gravy – I KNOW that is true of me!! Yikes! This is a confirmation on how even our good is still tainted with things that aren’t so good! This is what Paul was wrestling with in his argument in Romans 7:14-25!

On the other hand, we and others CAN observe good things going on with each other and there has to be an explanation for that, too! The explanation for all of this is the Gospel, or the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Because Jesus Christ is good, and he created and sustains everything and everyone, AND he entered our humanity in a special and mysterious way 2000 years ago, whatever happens to him, happens to you! This is why Paul says that when Jesus died, everyone died! 2 Corinthians 5:14! This is also why he says that when Jesus rose, everyone rose with him in the Father’s grace! Ephesians 1:1-10! Do you notice in this passage how everything is given to us soley by God’s grace, for free?! Even the faith to believe this is true is given to us freely through Jesus!!!

SOOOOOOO….Jesus is good, because he is God, and Jesus mysteriously lives in everyone. This is the Gospel! Therefore, everyone has REAL good in them because Jesus, Who is the ONLY source of Good, lives in them and shares his goodness with them! Therefore, YOU and I ARE FUNDAMENTALLY GOOD with the Goodness of Jesus, no matter what we think about it!!!

All of this was brought home to me recently in a powerful way! I was dating my two daughters a few weeks ago. We decided to go out to a local Chili’s restaurant and have at it! I ordered one of my favorites, sizzlin’ fajitas, and both girls ordered their hearts desire – a huge hamburger and some hot, hot, hot wings! Oh how delicious the food AND conversation was!

I asked them of them about their hopes and dreams! I looked them in the eye and told them that I loved and liked them – yet again! I told them that they were good and I was proud of them, and that I was proud to be their father! I told them that I appreciated that they were also good students because I had been a poor one early in life. I prayed before they were born that they would not inherit that poorness from me! The Father was gracious enough to answer that prayer by making sure I married a woman whose genes would have more influence over them in that area! 🙂


I told them that the reason we were dating and sharing like we were was because my dad had passed this tradition on to me and my 4 brothers and I had loved every minute of it! I was determined to share this with my wife and children and pass it on (yes, Donna and I still date, too, after 17 years of marriage!) This got us on the subject of my father who had died 4 years ago, in February of 2004.

I asked each of the girls, starting with Jocelyn, the oldest, what they remembered most about him. Jocelyn, my very thoughtful child, searched her memories carefully and then stated, VERY ACCURATELY, “I remember bouncing on a mini-trampoline and paw-paw coming up to me and shadow boxing in front of my face! I also remember that he could quote a bible verse on any subject, at anytime, at will, and always did!!”  Ha-Ha!! How true! He was always known for 2 things: God and Boxing…and he could wear most people out with both!! 🙂 Just “Google”: Rufus Brassell!

I then turned to my youngest daughter, Autumn, and asked the same thing. She thought for a moment and then uttered these words that put me in my personal dilemma on this subject, “I remember that he was as good and loving as you are!” Honest – I could NOT take those words in at first and thought I had misunderstood! I was almost afraid to ask for clarity but finally did. I said, incredulously, “What did you say?!” She then repeated just as firm and sincere, “Paw-Paw was as good and loving as you are!”

Well, I have never ever felt so GOOD and BAD at the same time in all of my entire life!! Ha-Ha! Understatement! Didn’t Autumn know me after all of these 11 years, and how much improvement I needed to be a truly good and loving father? I am SURE she and Jocelyn both could dredge up a negative list a mile long about how truly bad I am, and I would have to agree! Sheeesh! There was no way she could have just said that! I had a hard time receiving it!

BUT, because of the Goodness of the Father, Son and Spirit, and their passion and insistence to share the Gospel with me REGULARLY, and Their helping me to share it with others, I was able to REPENT AND BELIEVE THIS GOOD NEWS quite quickly and say “Thank You!” The Father was so passionate to flood me with His encouragement that he inspired my eldest daughter, Jocelyn, to put an exclamation point on it all by saying “That’s True!!”

We concluded our fellowship in the restaurant by ordering ONE huge dessert that we shared as THREE persons. 🙂 As we ate, I couldn’t help but think again of our One God in Three Persons Who had graciously included me and Jocelyn, and Autumn, (AND DONNA, my wife, and THE WHOLE WORLD), in their Shared Relationship.

God was certainly at Chili’s in a special way that day and, even though the dessert was admittedly good and sweet, I have to admit that receiving the Good News of Jesus’ Goodness and Love in ME was even better and MUCH sweeter!!! I hope you eat plenty, too!! I promise there’s nothing better!!

The Best Prayer I Ever AND Never Heard…

July 15, 2008


…was uttered on a recent visit I had with an older couple from my church, in their home, on a HOT summer day. At the conclusion of the visit, I prayed. Then the wife prayed. The husband then began his concluding prayer, and early in his conversation to the Triune God, uttered these unforgettable words…

“And thank you Father that Pastor Tim wore shorts!!!”

And, YES, we all began to laugh in our communion and talk with God uproariously!! Ha-Ha!! The “white elephant” in the room was revealed and he was not as big, or mean, or as visible a creature as we had all suspected! Someone had whispered a HUGE lie to each of us in that room that it was not possible to REALLY relate with the Father, Son and Spirit, and with each other, without our “religious robes” on, and we “Elephant stomped” him with laughter!!

If you have ever gone to meet with the church, almost anywhere, I am sure you have wrestled with this dilemma, too: “What should I wear? (because of what you believe others will think!)” versus “But here is what I REALLY want to wear so that I can BE ME and be comfortable!”

As much as I am learning to live in the Freedom of the Good News of Jesus, I am also learning to put off religion at the same time, and it is a real struggle! Yes, this story has a back story riddled with struggle, and that is why we all laughed in a very relieving and freeing way after that man’s prayer!

You see, it was HOT in Virginia that day, and it was a Saturday. Not a day of suits and tuxedos, but a day of shorts, pajamas and relationship with family. I got dressed in the spirit of the day and prepared to go and meet these members of my extended local church family! All is well and good, right? Unfortunately no!

What started out as a growing religious whisper soon turned into a condemning SHOUT, “You are a Pastor! These people are older! You can’t wear shorts! You know the Apostle Paul – ‘You are free to do all things but all things are not profitable!’ Those long pants over there are what would be most acceptable for pastors in this situation. AND what if they happen to have family members visiting them who attend other churches?!” I even went so far as to ask my lovely wife what she thought, and she was at least free enough from the Senior Pastor role I play to say “I think you are fine!” Whew! Thank you for a wife filled with freedom from the typical expectations of that Senior Pastor family role, Jesus!!! 🙂

So, off I went, BUT not in complete peace I am sorry to say! Oh how persistent the lie is! All the long highway there, the thought kept creeping back into my mind that I might not have on appropriate clothing (a suit or long pants versus the nice shorts and shirt I was wearing on that hot Virginia day. And, after all, my shorts did come down to my knees! Ha-Ha!! 🙂 ) .

The One good thing about that trip is that it was a struggle BECAUSE Jesus was with me and kept saying that everything was well and for me to stop “Future Trippin!” After all, Jesus whispered in the Gospel, “If I could lower myself to the status of a REAL human being in fallen flesh, and remain fully human forever for your sake (everyone’s sake), couldn’t I help you bear the potential scorn of others that may come from wearing a pair of shorts instead of other more acceptable religious robing?!!” Of course, He could!  And, of course, in His unceasing Grace he DID and DOES!! Hebrews 13:13!

Finally, I arrived at their home. I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell and heard a friendly shout that said, “come in Pastor Tim, we’re in the back”! I walked in the room where I joyfully, delightfully and in the freedom of Jesus, observed that the couple was WEARING SHORTS, too!!!! On the inside of myself I think I went into every religious tradition I had ever been exposed too, “Hallelujah!!” “Praise you Jesus!” “Thank ya! Thank ya!” “We believe in One God, the Father…”. I think I even spoke a few things in tongues (my mom and dad used to be Pentecostal),”Rondodo seekamathos rrrrondeedeehey nononoko – translation  = Shorts! Shorts!! Shorts!!! Shorts!!!!” Ha-Ha!! 🙂

As happy as I was (and as happy as I found out they were later), the invisible, lying, “elephant” was still hiding behind our good conversation about the Gospel, our families, the Gospel, our challenges, the Gospel, our dreams, the Gospel, our church and denomination, and the Gospel! Finally, before leaving we prayed together and Jesus exposed the lie, shared his freedom with us, and let us off the hook by praying in and through the man: “And thank you God that Pastor Tim wore shorts!!!”

After finishing his prayer we all clapped and tore that lying “elephant” to pieces! We each shared our stories about wanting to participate in the freedom of Jesus and wear shorts but were somewhat hindered by wondering what the others would think! Evil creatures had whispered lies and placed burdens on our souls, saying we could not share in the freedom of godly relationship without a certain type of religious and traditional clothing on, but the lie was exposed and crushed in the prayer and laughter of Jesus!!

So, here is the BIG question: Why is the type and style of clothing we wear such a relational barrier in the light of our forever inclusion and acceptance in the life of the Father, Son and Spirit in Jesus Christ? How is it that humanity has gone all the way from the liberating freedom of fellowshipping with the Father in complete nakedness, and without shame, to being concerned about clothing and hiding at every point? Gen 2:21 – 3:13!

The answer is: we have all sinned and think wrongly about Who God is! Romans 3:9-11! Our perspective about Who Jesus is and Who we are in Him has gotten cloudy and dark! John 1:5

Now, don’t get me wrong, I am NOT advocating that we should wear no clothing!! 🙂  I think that clothing is appropriate to wear under our circumstances. Wearing clothing is actually a type of open admission that we REALLY are sinners and personally don’t have a proper perspective of God in and of ourselves! Yet, as we believe the Good News of Jesus, in our clothing (of whatever type), we can know that we are still included and adopted into the life of God, in Jesus, even IN OUR DARKNESS!! Hebrews 2:14-18

One Thing You Should ALWAYS Avoid…

July 12, 2008


…is the lie of believing that you are separated from God and that the Father’s face toward you has changed! Believing that lie has actually done GREAT damage in your life and mine!

We have all believed it for so long, we can hardly believe the Truth. But the truth of the matter is, when we believe lies, we experience lies. When we believe Truth, we experience the Truth (even in the middle of a pack of lies! John 8:32)!

So what do you WANT to experience?!

I can pretty much guarantee that if something in your life is not good and right, it stems from you and others believing lies instead of believing the Good News that you (and we) are, and always have been, secure and adopted in God the Son!! That’s a fact in Jesus!

Sometimes this Good News seems so unbelievable because we human beings think and act so poorly toward one another, and toward God, but the Father, Son and Spirit assure us that His character never changes! Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8!

I urge you, along with the Holy Spirit,  to rethink and believe this Good News! Believing this truth allows you to experience the greatest longing you have in your life….ASSURANCE!! Deep down, you want to KNOW that you are unconditionally loved, liked, accepted, celebrated, and wanted, and that is EXACTLY how God the Trinity thinks and feels about YOU now, and always will!!! Romans 5:6-11, 8:31-39!

Deep inside you already know this, and that is why hope springs up in your heart when things like what I am saying are written or spoken! The Light of Jesus is stronger than everything else and cannot be put out because of our darkness! John 1:3-5! We were all created to know, hear and experience the truth that everything is going to be alright, and in Christ everything IS and WILL BE alright!

So don’t let those harsh attitudes or adamant faces fool you! People often act in harsh ways when they have been enveloped in a world primarily proclaiming their exclusion in one way or another! They are acting this way for one reason: They ARE included – and because the word of exclusion, or the lie, is so painful and unbearable, we must do something to avoid it at all costs – hence the sour, mean and blank expressions that “shield” us from the suffering! You remember (know) what that is like!

I conclude with these encouraging words from Paul’s letter to the Colossians in The Message translation of the Bible by Eugene Peterson:

“26 This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it’s out in the open. 27 God wanted everyone, not just Jews, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, therefore you can look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It’s that simple. That is the substance of our Message. 28 We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. 29 That’s what I’m working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.”

A Giggling, Neighborly Armful of Jesus’ SHARED Love!

July 10, 2008

I am sure you can imagine, because of humanity’s inclusion in the life of God the Father, Son and Spirit, that after 8 days of being away from my family I was eagerly “BURNING” with Jesus love to see my immediate family members again! The anticipation only grew and grew as we spoke on the phone daily to express how much we missed, loved and liked each other, and couldn’t wait to see each other again!

I get a special thrill when my youngest daughter, Autumn, calls me “out of the blue” to ask me when I am coming home and has to know the exact time, place and manner so that she can hold me accountable! On this trip, she got a special chuckle out my response that I would be flying home but that it might take a long, long, time because my arms would get plenty tired, and I would need to make many stops! Oh the genuine and spontaneous laughter of the Holy Spirit expressing itself in a young girl at her father’s corny joke! Can there be anything more innocent, refreshing and beautiful?! Hardly! Ha-Ha! 🙂 I KNOW there is a God who laughs!!

Because of plane delays, more stops than usual, or just plain slowness on my part, I don’t always make it home exactly when I say I am going to be there. Autumn will ring my phone often to express her anticipation and sadness, and we are so included in each other in Jesus that I KNOW before looking at the phone that it is her calling me! Talk about being “hooked up”! Even though I am not late on purpose, I have to admit loving her anticipation AND disappointment as both of those emotions scream and shout much love into my soul!! Ha-Ha! Oh, Yes! To be missed and wanted (don’t misunderstand, my wife and other child express the same things, but I am trying to get to a special point in this story about Autumn:-) )

On this particular day, I was right on time. On the last phone call before I got on the return flight home, I had told Autumn that I should be home around 7:30pm. As I pulled the van into my neighborhood I saw that I was going to be right on time as promised, and looking back, boy am I glad I was! Just as I expected, and hoped, Autumn was in the yard and the smiles on her face and mine were beaming as bright as the sun! It was what I DIDN’T expect that really thrilled and overwhelmed me! Three of Autumn’s neighborhood friends were smiling, clapping, jumping and dancing with her at my return home!

No kidding! Autumn’s friends were as happy as she was! They were jumping up and down so excitedly in the driveway that I had to honk the horn for their safety! They were literally swooping on and around the van as I was still driving! They could not contain their excitement! I am not joking when I say that each one of them were looking at me as if I was their personal daddy coming home from a long trip away, and each shouting as gloriously!! There were quite a few people out in the neighborhood and they could all see and HEAR, if not feel, this overwhelming love and welcome!

I couldn’t wait to open the door and especially hug my daughter, but it wasn’t to be! Her three girlfriends had beat Autumn to the door, and as I opened it, I got bumrushed with a giggling, neighborly armful of Jesus love in the warm hugs of those young ladies! They were ALL saying things like “Daddy!!” “We Love You!”, “We Missed You!!”. (Okay. My eyes are watering again – give me  sec. to recoup)! Alright I’m back! 🙂 Three of the girls had so crowded out the other, and I was so caught up in the inclusive love of Jesus, that I shouted aloud in the Spirit, “Okay, we have to get everyone in the circle this hug to be complete!” (wonder where I get talk like that?! Hmmmm?!) Looking back, I realize that Autumn was not sad at all at being on the far side of the circle, but was thrilled to see her friends sharing in it! I remember this same thing occuring with my dad and others but that will be for another blog post!

Believe me when I say, it had to be Autumn’s shared love, COMING FROM JESUS, that was the result of all of this…..because….I hardly know the other three girls at all!!! I mean REALLY KNOW them! They are around often enough for me to know their names, but I honestly do not relate with them even an hour in any given week, and usually I am saying things like, “Time to go home”, “Autumn can’t come out until she finishes her chores!”, “Make sure you all pick up all of those sticks out of the yard when you’re done playing with them!”, or “Ya’ll be quiet down there while I record this commercial, and if you don’t quiet down you’re going to have to go outside!” It really is the sad truth!

But that is what makes this real life story all the more shocking! With that kind of small interaction, and sometimes negative relationship, what can account for those girls expressing the EXACT same love and sentiment toward me, as Autumn showed? There is only one, fundamental and satisfactory explanation to me. The Father, Son and Spirit love and like me, and each of those children and everyone else! And through the special relationship the Father has with Autumn, in Jesus, she shared in his feelings for me in such a mysterious and inclusive way, that it rubbed off on all of her friends, and ended up as a shower of love on me!!

I am sure that while I was gone, Autumn talked to her friends MUCH about how she missed me, and how long it had been since I had been gone, and her fear that I might not come back home (she’s a little RELATIONAL worrier!) She is so in union and open with her friends that I believe they began to feel what she felt until they felt the exact same way after 8 days of my absence. Interestingly, yes, each of these young ladies (except my daughter) lacks a father in the home, so it would have been even easier for them to pick up on and yearn with my daughters exact yearnings for the person they so dearly miss in their own life!

This story has evoked such a permanent and lasting good memory that I long for it to happen again! And right when I began to sit under a cloud of negative thinking, saying, “I’ll bet this kind of awesome thing will probably never happen to me again”, I remember the last words I heard before I entered the house that day after receiving those hugs. It was uttered by one of the girls who was not my daughter, and she said emphatically and seriously:

“Don’t you ever leave us for that long again!!!”

I think she has convinced me that I can look forward to much more of this if I am ever gone that long again! 🙂  Thank you for the hope and reality of an eternity of love with you and everyone Jesus!!