Our Greatest Reason for Hope in Barack Obama’s Presidency…

November 7, 2008


…is Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, who shares all things with His Father in the fellowship of the Spirit with everyone and everything, including Barack Obama!! Colossians 1:27.

In fact, there is no God Who will be God without Barack Obama (or even John McCain!) Every single person who has ever lived, or who will ever live, is the son or daughter the Father, Son and Spirit have always desired to include in His relationship of over-flowing and self-giving love! That Truth in Jesus, apart from any other reason, is why there is a reason for hope behind any and every presidential candidate!

For those who embrace this one and only Jesus Christ, that Gospel (or Good News!) is the simple reason behind why so many people do have valid and proper hope regarding Barack Obama’s Presidency. It is also the reason some are disappointed in Barack’s election. And the reason why many would have been happy to see John McCain win the presidency. And the reason why others would have been sad to see John McCain as president!

First, let’s rehearse Christian fundamentals and share in Christ’s actual Faith, Hope and Love regarding our political future in the United States through a brief summary of the Gospel.

Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Trinity made human forever. Colossians 1:19, 2:9, 1 Tim 2:5. This all happened, literally, 2000 years ago. For Jesus to be made TRULY human is to say that Jesus joined us where we actually were, in darkness. John 1:1-5, 10. This was demonstrated most prominently in his allowing us to crucify him in our darkness, and forgiving us for not knowing what we were doing. Luke 23:33-34. In his death, everyone died (including Barack and McCain!). 2 Cor 5:14. In His Resurrection everyone rose. 2 Cor 5:15, 1 Peter 1:3, Eph 2:4-6. Jesus now remains a Divine/Man, having united Himself to all of humanity in a real and mysterious way, sharing the Holy Spirit of He and His Father with all of mankind! Luke 24:36-43, 1 Tim 2:5, Acts 1:1-11, Acts 2:1-17, John 14:20.

Can’t you see the hope stemming from this Good News, even if you ain’t feelin’ it? 🙂 It is the responsibility of the Church to take this Truth of Jesus Christ, and WHO HE IS (Col 2:8), more seriously than anything else and to rehearse it BEFORE we get too caught up in the political rhetoric of the systems of this world which lead to misplaced faith, no hope, and little love.  

Rehearsing this fundamental truth gives us our greatest reason for hope and explains all of the dynamics behind people’s happiness or sadness regarding Barack and/or McCain as President. Let’s share in the Mind of Christ about it (1 Cor 2:9-16):

1.) If Jesus lives in all people, then that certainly gives us a reason for hope in Barack Obama’s presidency, doesn’t it?! Because Jesus lives in all, Jesus MUST live in Barack! That isn’t difficult to understand is it? I mean seriously, can we REALLY make too much of Jesus Christ and His ability to positively influence anyone in Whom he lives, including Barack? Can we make too much of Jesus’ ability to work in and through Barack for the good of others? Isn’t some of what is impossible with us, possible with Jesus – God?!

Our answers to those questions reveals whether or not we embrace the stunning Jesus of the scriptures (the Light of the Cosmos – John 8:12), or an idol (a Jesus who does not exist at all!!)

2.) Because Jesus lives in everyone and everything but is NOT everyone and everything, we can see why many would have a reason for disappointment in Barack’s appointment. Barack is not THE MAN (Jesus), but a man in whom THE MAN(Jesus) lives. That is why some are discouraged by the potential trouble of his presidency. Being a sinful human being obviously leaves room for many weaknesses and errors to show up in President Elect Obama’s policies and leadership (and in our judgment of his leadership and policies!! Ha-Ha! Yes, YOU are a sinner too!!)

Jesus doesn’t force who he is upon Barack and treat him like a thing! Jesus treats Barack just as he treats you – as a real and distinct brother or sister, who must sometimes even experience and learn the truth of his adoption into God’s relationship the hard way! But, as creative and loving as He is, God the Father, Son and Spirit is not put off by this sin and struggle, and is doing everything in his loving and relational power to help every human see and experience who they TRULY are in Him! Nothing will ever separate him from any part of his adopted creation! No bad policies. No bad decisons. Nothing! Romans 8:28-39.

The other two points are just as easy in the light of this Triune God in Jesus:

1.)  If Jesus lives in all people, then that certainly would have given us a reason for hope in John McCain’s presidency, wouldn’t it have?! Because Jesus lives in all, Jesus MUST live in John McCain, too! That isn’t difficult to understand either, is it? I mean seriously, can we REALLY make too much of Jesus Christ and His ability to positively influence anyone in Whom he lives, including John McCain? Can we make too much of Jesus’ ability to work in and through John McCain for the good of others? Isn’t some of what is impossible with us, possible with Jesus – God?!

2.) Because Jesus lives in everyone and everything but is NOT everyone and everything, we can see why many would have had a reason for disappointment in John McCain’s appointment to the presidency. John McCain is not THE MAN (Jesus), but a man in whom THE MAN(Jesus) lives. That is why some were discouraged by the potential trouble of his presidency. Being a sinful human being obviously left room for many weaknesses and errors to show up in John McCain’s policies and leadership (and in our judgment of his leadership and policies, too!! Ha-Ha! Yes, WE are all sinner’s in whom Christ graciously lives too!!)

Jesus doesn’t force who he is upon McCain and treat him like a thing, either! Jesus treats John McCain as he treats you – as a REAL and distinct brother or sister who also will learn about his adoption in positive and negative ways! But, as creative and loving as He is, God the Father, Son and Spirit is not put off by this sin, and is doing everything in his loving and relational power to help every human see who they ACTUALLY are in His Son! Nothing will ever separate him from any part of his adopted creation! No poor foreign policies. No poor domestic policies. Nothing! Romans 8:28-39.

Yes, the fundamental secret behind everything is the Father, Son and Spirit and the adoption of the entire human race into that relationship in Jesus Christ! Ephesians 1:3-10. The sooner we share knowingly in Jesus’ trust and embracing of this grand Truth, the sooner we will experience Jesus’ actual Life AS HE DOES. And life doesn’t get better than His!

It is all a matter of where your Trust REALLY is! For us Christians, our trust is ONLY in Jesus and in His trust on our behalf. Our trust is NEVER in ourselves, or in, whom we, individually, trust to be the best President of the U.S. at any given time in history. 1 Cor 2:4-5, Gal 2:20!

I thought all of you Christians would agree with me on that, and I am glad you do!! Thanks for the back-up!Ha-Ha!! 🙂  Keep Hope Alive – (FOR US – Jesus!!) Ha-Ha!!! 🙂