Yes! YOU Are Pure and Clean in Jesus!!

Sanctification, in the Light of Jesus, and the words of the Apostle Paul inspired by the Spirit, is the Person of Jesus Christ Himself! Check out this passage of scripture:

1 Corinthians 1:30-31, “He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption, in order that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”

Could the topic of our Sanctification be more plain?! Jesus Christ is our sanctification, which means we are all, already, sanctified and pure in Him! Yes, He is also your Wisdom, Righteousness and Redemption, even if you don’t believe it!!! 🙂

It is helpful to know that this word sanctification means “purification” or “purified” because we should be able to readily see and admit by definition that WE cannot accomplish purification in sinful flesh! That is an oxymoron! Sinful and pure are opposites! How can something sinful offer up something pure? Poison is poison no matter how much or little!

Let’s face it, as long as you will be honest and acknowledge even the slightest sin in your life, you are admitting that you have no ability to be sanctified other than in the Person of Jesus Himself (Who is the ONLY ONE that did not sin in our body of flesh and sin – Hebrews 4:14-16!!)

And, of course this matches up with Who we see Jesus is in the scriptures as the One in, through, by, and for whom all things are created, exist and are sustained!! Colossians 1:15-20!

Look at what Bishop N.T. Wright, Bishop of Durham in the Church of England, has to say about Jesus as noted in this passage and early Christian poem, in his book “The Resurrection of the Son of God”, on page 239, [emphasis mine]:

“The very shape of the poem insists that Jesus’ resurrection, as a one-off event, is an act not of the abolition of the original creation but of its fulfillment: the same Messiah and lord is the One through Whom all things were made in the first place, the One in Whom all things cohere, the one in and through Whom all things are NOW brought into a new relationship with the creator God and with one another. This passage has, of course, considerable implications both for Pauline cosmology (THE WHOLE COSMOS IS GOOD, GOD-GIVEN, AND, DESPITE THE REBELLION OF THE POWERS WITHIN IT, HAS BEEN RECONCILED TO ITS MAKER), and politics (all the power structures of the world were created in, through and for the Messiah, verse 16).”

Bottom line: You don’t have to try and get or become sanctified for one second of your life!! That concept is NOT biblical!! You need only BE sanctified (meaning, embrace and trust that you have already been sanctified and made pure in the Person of Jesus Christ – in your place and on your behalf!) Whatever happened to Jesus, happened to the entire Cosmos, including YOU!! That is why Jesus is called the Light of the Cosmos (everything) – John 8:12!

If you are doing ANY religious act to GET sanctified or purified, you are commanded in the name of Jesus Christ to STOP DOING IT for that reason, THINK DIFFERENTLY, AND BELIEVE THE GOOD NEWS!!!

When you try to accomplish something that the Father, Son and Spirit have already accomplished for you, you are denying Jesus Christ, spitting in Triune God’s face and insisting on doctrines that come from demons (where else could such teachings come from if not from God the Trinity – I Timothy 4:1-5, Colossians 2:16-23, I Corinthians 10:14-21?!! Yikes!!!)

In Christ you are adopted, included, and now free from the “darkness” of mythology and lies, and free in the Truth that liberates you! John 8:32!!! Believe, experience the Father, and BE sanctified in Jesus along with me, in the Holy Spirit! It is GOOD Stuff, despite all of our bad stuff!! Ha-Ha!!

One Response to Yes! YOU Are Pure and Clean in Jesus!!

  1. […] overlooking the miracle of their Inclusion in the Life of the Triune God in Jesus that has been given to them and all of humanity, by grace, before they were born! That is something no one short of […]

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